Fusion Electrical WA delivers electrical engineering solutions to clients in Margaret River, Dunsborough, Busselton and Augusta. We specialise in developing electrical systems that lower your energy costs and streamline your operation.

Our expert electrical team has decades of experience working with clients in the agricultural industry, as well as wine makers and brewers across the South West. We also service homes and lifestyle properties in the region.

Get in touch

Electrical Engineering Experts

Our electrical engineering experts are backed by an in depth understanding of electrical innovations, and we bring this knowledge to every project we work on. This means the electrical solutions we develop are highly efficient, eco-friendly and built for the future.

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Electrical Design, Consulting and Engineering

We handle every facet of your project or assist you with key elements.

Project Management

We take care of your entire electrical project, from installation through to commissioning and aftercare.

Project Management

Future Growth Planning

We ensure your electrical system is sustainable and reliable, while improving efficiencies both now and into the future.

DQA Western Power

Produce and submit required documents and applications for site connections that require Western Power works.

Westernpower Copy
Underground Cable Sizing

Underground Cable Sizing

Visiting your site and calculating correct cable sizes for underground power, based on load, length, future plans and other key factors.

Talk to us

For more information about our electrical engineering services, please get in touch. We are happy to discuss your requirements, and provide a quote and recommendation based on your budget and needs.